University Counseling
Branksome Hall Asia students systematically explore university education and career options in consultation with guidance and faculty advisors. For their educational, social, and career success, students develop effective work habits and the ability to make sound decisions, solve problems, plan effectively, work independently, communicate well, research, evaluate and explore new educational and career opportunities.
Grade 9 Learning to Learn
All Grade 9 students learn essential strategies such as time management, social interaction and reflective essay writing. This skill set allows students to integrate academically and socially in school.
Grade 10 Career Guidance
All Grade 10 students have the opportunities to discover more about their strengths and preferences through personal inventories. With this understanding they investigate university education and the world of work. Students are taught how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, careers, and community involvement.
Grade 11 University Guidance
Students are provided opportunities to meet with university representatives from all over the world to make informed decisions with university applications. Their advisor teachers and University Counselors support all Grade 11 students to build their university application portfolios.
Grade 12 University Application
All Grade 12 students meet with their University Counselor individually to solidify their university applications.
Branksome Hall Asia’s goal is for each graduate to be accepted into her university and program of first choice, and that she succeed and thrive at university. University Counselors and faculty advisors work closely with students and their families from the early stages of educational planning through to graduation.