IB World School
At Branksome Hall Asia, we provide a continuum of study that is directly aligned with the International Baccalaureate frameworks. We offer three programs that are specifically designed for each stage of a student’s development:
- The IB Primary Years Program (PYP), for students aged 3 to 11, focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both in the classroom and the outside world. Trans-disciplinary themes and units of inquiry help students learn about themselves and make connections between their learning and the real world;
- The IB Middle Years Program (MYP), for students aged 11 to 16, provides a framework of academic challenge that encourages students to embrace their disciplinary studies and build on their inter-disciplinary understandings, as they become critical and reflective thinkers;
- The IB Diploma Program (DP), for students aged 16 to 19, is an academically challenging program of education with final examinations that are externally assessed to an international standard and that prepare students for success at university and in life beyond.
Together, the PYP, MYP, and DP provide a continuous, comprehensive curricular framework for Branksome Hall Asia. This framework combines internationally recognized best practices in education from around the world and, thus, is acknowledged by universities and colleges as being an advantageous program for students for post-secondary study.
At Branksome Hall Asia, we provide a continuum of study that is directly aligned with the International Baccalaureate frameworks.

© Picture by Faye Yang
Benefits of the IB program
Not only are IB students equipped to better face their future, studies have shown that students studying IB have increased opportunities for scholarships and increased acceptance rates at universities. Research has also shown that IB students score better on international tests of achievement than their non-IB counterparts.
In the U.S. and Canada, IB Diploma holders are often awarded university-level credits, in some cases equivalent to one full year of study.
Recent studies on IB Diploma Program graduates confirm that, once in university, IB graduates perform well and have significantly higher grade point averages and higher graduation rates than students who did not complete the IB Diploma Program
With the implementation of the IB curricular frameworks, our programs at Branksome Hall Asia ensure:
- Engagement and a focus on deeper levels of learning
- Use of differentiation techniques to ensure that each student is challenged
- Instruction with real-world applications
- Teaching and learning with interconnectedness of subject disciplines
- Focus on academic rigor
- Best practices and externally moderated examinations based on an international standard of education
- Involvement in community service, enrichment activities, and co-curricular programs that focus on creativity, action, and service at the highest level.

© Picture by Faye Yang
Our Courses
All students (Junior Kindergarten Prep to Grade 12) study a coherent program that includes, English, a second language or mother tongue language, social sciences, science, mathematics, and the arts. Physical and health education is compulsory until Grade 10. Technology is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. In all programs, Korean language, social studies, and history are taught.
In the Middle and Senior years, optional courses are available for students to explore a breadth of study. Students can choose from the following courses: Digital Design, Product Design, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Business, Economics, Geography, History, Korean, Chinese, and Film Studies. Starting in Grade 10, students can pursue a specialty in the sciences (Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Environmental Systems and Societies). All faculty members, particularly Guidance Counselors and University Counselors, support students and their families understand the course options and criteria for success.
An extended Korean program enables students to have enriched Korean language instruction as well as instruction in Korean History and Social Studies. Classes in English as an additional language are available to students whose mother tongue is not English.
Our program is focused on reinforcing the development of confidence and leadership skills. Our extensive student leadership program and a large number of student-led organizations ensure that our learners have the opportunity to build their confidence and find their voice. When girls are empowered, they lead more meaningful lives.