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Tae Hee-sung & Jang Se-young (G10) - Korea Times' 1st English Presentation Contest runner-ups

Tae Hee-sung & Jang Se-young (G10)

- Message from Teacher -


Congratulations to Heesung Tae and Seyoung Jang for jointly winning the Runner-Up prize in the first national English Presentation Contest, sponsored by ETS Korea and The Korea Times. These two students showed themselves to be risk-takers and communicators in taking on the challenge of this contest independently over the summer. Their outstanding video, focusing on the changes that COVID-19 will bring to education, showcases their creativity, critical thinking, and ability to identify the opportunities that arise from challenging times. Heesung and Se-young are shining examples of BHA’s vision to develop globally-minded learners and leaders who will shape a better world. Congratulations!


Diana Holmes
MYP English Language Acquisition Teacher
EAL Coordinator


Korea Times' 1st English Presentation Contest runner-ups

We participated in the Korea Times English Presentation Contest during the summer break and received the Runner-Up Awards for the Middle and High School Teams. The topic given was "포스트 코로나 시대 이후에 요구되는 인재상과 교육의 방향성" (in translation: "the skills and education that will be required after the post-corona era"). We prepared for the contest online during the break and we realized that this is going to be the major way of communication from now on. The awards ceremony was conducted online ( due to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. Through participating in this contest, we started to think about the gap between the rich and poor in the educational aspect after COVID-19 and the adaptation of online learning. 


By Tae Hee-sung & Jang Se-young (G10)