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Junior School Children Meet Kelso

Junior School Children Meet Kelso

Reanna Nelson & Dr. Yeojin Ahn,
Junior School Counselors


Throughout second to the sixth-week school, the Junior School counselors will be introducing Kelso’s Choice to the students through a series of fun, interactive lessons. Kelso’s Choice is a behavior management system that emphasizes making good choices when a problem arises. This system centers around Kelso’s Wheel, which gives students ideas on how to approach a conflict. For Grade 4 and 5 students, a slightly different version, K.C.’s Wheel, is used. The wheel helps students solve small problems that they are smart enough and strong enough to handle on their own. For big problems, students learn they must tell an adult. Big problems are problems that make them feel scared or unsafe. After the Kelso’s Choice lessons, students will be able to differentiate between small and big problems. They will also learn about each of the choices on the wheel and roleplay situations in which they might use them.

Kelso’s Choice aligns with the Primary Years Program (PYP)’s philosophies of voice, choice and agency. When faced with difficult situations, students can recognize the value in choosing actions that prevent a situation from escalating. These introductory core lessons are essential in building the language and culture of Kelso’s Choice. Teachers and students will utilize these tools throughout the year in the classroom, on the playground, and outside of school to make better decisions.

The Junior School counselors value the role of parents and are conducting parent workshops on Kelso’s Choice in the beginning of September. These workshops will help reinforce a common language and approach to conflict at school and at home.