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Interacting with Students through Digital Platforms

Interacting with Students through Digital Platforms

The Digital Life Council strives to help students use devices properly. The council aims to create a more inclusive and engaging community. Our council supports new students to adjust to the community in various ways. We are also in charge of the effective use of MacBooks, and are focused on establishing a convenient school system and a strong connection among school students. In our council, student leaders in various grades discuss different ways to proceed more appropriate and comfortable use of the Internet in school. Additionally, we hold an annual bazaar where students can make, sell, and buy unique items. During this event, students can share creative and fun items firsthand. Our council regularly shares school news with students, which leads them to engage more in the community.

Our aim for this year is to make close connections within the school community and enable better communication through our newly produced school website called the Branksome Bulletin. As Branksome Hall Asia decided not to use Branksome finalsite from last year, our council has sought an alternative online platform that could unify and enhance the community. The bulletin board organizes information under categories and allows student leaders to post announcements. Another crucial project we normally organize is called Maker Faire, which is one  of the biggest events in the school. However, due to Covid-19 we are not approved to proceed  with this year’s bazaar. As a result, we are also thinking about opening a Maker Faire online. As thorough social distancing is encouraged between people, we aim to share interesting news or helpful information through this communication window. We interact with students through the Technology Help Desk, which is a service offered to solve students’ questions whenever they have issues with digital devices. We will always try to make fun and pleasant memories online.


Dabin Kim (G12)
Digital Life Council Prefect