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Classwork through Online Platforms

Classwork through Online Platforms

By Dr. Terry McAdams

Branksome Hall Asia has been prepared to offer classroom learning in an online setting to respond to unforeseen circumstances that can include extreme weather or health considerations when in classroom instruction is interrupted. While the current situation with COVID-19 has halted instruction in classrooms, we will continue with online learning to ensure that our high educational standards are maintained.

Since this past Tuesday, structured and well-resourced learning activities have been  provided for students during  regular school hours. Students have been readily participating during the online learning hours that match their regular classroom schedules. In addition, enhanced opportunities for regular real-time Interaction between teachers and students are taking place.

The model of remote learning is tailored to the students needs in each of the Junior, Middle, and Senior school divisions. For example, younger students, who have one main class teacher, the timing of lessons are more flexible. For our early learners, virtual teaching interactions requires parents/guardians to be present. Our senior team conducted extensive research on what is considered to be the ideal blend of asynchronous and asynchronous learning. All teachers were given thorough training on online learning, which meant that we were able to offer a high quality education grounded in research. 

Although the mechanism for learning is different we believe that that it is equivalent to what our students would experience in their respective classrooms. Attendance is being taken daily, activities and assignments to maximize home-learning are being sent to students, and students are required to submit their assignments all through online platforms including Google Classroom, Seesaw, and Google Meet.

We are thrilled that our students are highly engaged, and on the first day of online learning, more than 98% of our students participated, rigorously engaging online with our faculty. As attendance is being taken daily, it is very important that your child be present for all lessons. Please continue your vigilance and cooperation for us to continue with your child’s learning.

<Video made by David Dougherty>