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Charlotte’s Web: Friendship, Bravery, and the Circle of Life

Charlotte’s Web: Friendship, Bravery, and the Circle of Life


By Leslie Stellwagen
Production Director, MYP Drama teacher, DP CAS Coordinator



“You have been my friend. That in itself is a tremendous thing. After all, what’s a life anyway? We’re born, we live a little, we die. By helping you, perhaps I was lifting up my life a trifle. Heaven knows, anyone’s life can stand a little of that.”

Charlotte A. Cavatica, Charlotte’s Web


After 10 year old Fern begs her Papa to let her raise a runt piglet, Wilbur, they become the best of friends. But when Wilbur grows too big, he is moved to Zuckerman’s farm where he faces an uncertain future. With the support of some unlikely farm animal companions, he discovers the preciousness of friendship and the importance of living life to the fullest by helping others.

This year’s Middle and Senior School production of Charlotte’s Web is in full swing. Backstage Crew, Control Room, Set, Props, and Costumes are painting, gluing, cutting, nailing, labelling, and taping nonstop. Students from Junior, Middle, and Senior school participated in our poster contest. Senior School students created new music compositions specific for the show. Actors and the technical team are rehearsing weekdays and weekends to bring the world of the play to life. Teachers from across the school came in over November break to paint the set. With over 150 students, faculty, and staff collaborating to make theatre magic happen, this has truly been a community effort.

We hope you join us to share this performance about bravery, kindness, friendship, and the circle of life. The show will be available to watch online Dec 9th and 10th at 19:00 and Dec 11th at 14:30. Further details and audience information will be shared closer to the performance date.